Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The sanctity of craziness - Preamble

The sanctity of craziness 

The origins of this title emerge from multiple observations that I’ve had over the years and specifically in recent times. It looks at things and my approach to situations in real life versus how most other so-called “normal people” would. I have been referred to as “crazy” many times by my friends or close personal colleagues. This arises secondarily because of the unusual way in which I try to understand people and interpret what they’re saying and primarily due to the brash and unabashed way in which I respond. The kind of dialogue I have is not necessarily regular. I more often than not get the worst out of people and yet somehow manage to stay connected with them as well. I could say what I see and ask is extraordinary and/ or unconventional but that would be far from reality, It’s just plain and simple different and not run of the mill. I will start with an example in my first chapter

Chapter - 1 : To be or not to be is not the question but the answer

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